If you're a man over 50 and you're trying to date women, you may not know the distinct advantages you have over the younger guys. A man of your age has had a lot of life experience and you can really use that to feel positive about what you have to offer them. Unlike a younger man who is always trying to find out who he is and what he should do with his life, you've already been through those stages and become your true self as a human being. So, from here, you need to have faith in the overall benefit that a woman can gain financially, emotionally , mentally, from being with man like you. Don't try to pitch it to women that way though. When a man wants to sell himself to her by listing all of his positive or beneficial attributes, women do not like it. Rather, what you need to do is trigger her sexually appealing feelings for you. As you'll learn from the video above, you will attract women who are far younger than you. Most women not all are open to feeling attracted to different types of guys and if you can make a woman feel what she's hoping to feel with a guy, she'll be even more open to dating and getting into a relationship with a man of your age.
Some aspects are unchanging
Meeting with the women has also been difficult. This is also valid even with thousands of dating sites. Using the traditional dating strategies: introduction by colleagues, blind dates, meeting by activity (work, leisure, religious, etc.) and plain old serendipity. Say someone you meet is involved in dating. Ask to get it set. Engage in the things which you enjoy. For them, You 're likely to meet people who love them too, people who may become friends, and ultimately, maybe, more.
On your hand are the numbers
It's not like the Beach Boys sang "two girls for every guy," but demographics trend that way. First, the bad news: males die earlier than females. The good news: Women are steadily outnumbering men as decades pass, which works subtly in your favor. According to a 2009 U.S. statistical survey, women outnumber men 954 to 920 for every 1,000 births, by age 50. It's 871-791 at 65. And the odds are in the favor of men-and women know that.
The dating sites have advantages
One is you're throwing a wide net. Tip: Post the images with a smile. Photos raise the response rate for men by 40%-for women, pictures triple it! Another is that it offers strong icebreaker profiles. You are very cute and you live near me, you can add that you always play tennis and love jazz much like the woman you're in touch with.
There are drawbacks of dating apps
Some Leaders are more flaky than piecrust. They seem interested but they vanish after a few e-mails. Or, they disconnect their phones. Or they are standing up for you. Why? For what? Who knows what? One theory is that not a few are unique. They are partnered but lonely, and hope to be convinced by hooking men like you that they are always desirable.
What's more, often the profiles cheat. One study found that people appeared to be an inch taller than the national average on average. Women have said they weighed less than normal 20 pounds. Many claimed to be "more attractive than normal"-72% of women, 68% of men. And 4 percent said they paid more than $200,000 a year, while less than 1 percent did.
Dress yourself up for success.
Ou may be amazing, but women will flee if you look like a complete schlump. Trouble is, plenty of people dislike clothing shopping. If you do, get help. Ask one friend to accompany you, preferably a woman. Dream about getting a manicure and pedicure. Planning to spend a day—yes, boys, a complete day—and one to two weeks' income on makeover.
Just as gold miners push loads of rock to find a few nuggets, so potentially thousands of women will have to date before you find Ms. Right. If you know there's no hope for a budding relationship, don't waste your time on hers.